Solidarity Saves Lives
There’s safety in numbers. It’s one of the oldest lessons of humanity. And it’s one we see reinforced time and again. I recently listened to Chris Hayes’ podcast about the life expectancy crisis in the United States . According to researchers Anne Case and Angus Deaton, the life expectancy for white people without college degrees has declined since the 1980s. This is driven mostly by “deaths of despair,” e.g., suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol poisoning. Case and Deaton noted several factors. Our for-profit healthcare system is a major one because even among the insured, millions of Americans can’t afford preventative care. But the latter half of the conversation focused primarily on the decay of our social fabric. People today are lonelier than ever . When Case and Deaton discussed explanations, they mentioned that fewer Americans attend houses of worship and also the decrease in union membership. I think it’s important for us to imagine and cultivate new secular communal spaces t...