
Showing posts from 2020

Two Seasons of Remote Teaching

40 Days of Remote Learning

Back to School in a Pandemic

I Know What I Know: Covid-19 Remote Teaching Diary Day 61

Remote Learning Goodbyes: Covid-19 Teaching Diary Day 60

Looking for Closure: Covid-19 Teaching Diary Day 56

Abolition, Imagination, and Remote Learning: Covid-19 Teaching Diary Day 54

Celebrating the Lives in #BlackLivesMatter

What are you feeling?

What Does Virtual Community Feel Like?

Covid-19 Teaching Diary Day 39: Noticing Joy and Liberation

Covid-19 Teaching Diary Day 35: I Had No Idea It Would Be This Hard

Covid-19 Teaching Diary Day 31: It's Okay to Grieve

It's #TeacherAppreciationWeek! So, Why Don't I Feel Appreciated?

Cultivating a Culture of Joy Remotely (Covid-19 Teaching Diary Day 23)

Anger is Fear's Bodyguard (Covid-19 Teaching Diary Day 21)

Covid-19 Teaching Diary Day 20: Losing Sleep and Feeling Stuck

Covid-19 Teaching Diary Day 16: So This is the "New Normal"

Covid-19 Teaching Diary Day 15: Remote Learning Rainy Days

Looking to a Future of "Basics" for Black and Brown Kids