Life Lessons Reviewed

Today my class and I took a trip to the Jewish Museum's exhibit on Curious George. It was a nice break and a much needed reward after weeks of test prep and testing. One of the highlights was a walk through Central Park while we waited for our tour. The kids were fascinated by the droves of people walking their dogs, the view of the skyline from the reservoir, and a girls phys ed class from a nearby prep school.

"The girls are playing baseball?!" I heard one of my boys say. Before I had time to intervene, another boy did my job for me. "Girls can play baseball! Remember what Mr. Brosbe says, girls can do boy things and boys can do girl things. It doesn't matter."

It's nice when a student gets a math problem correct quickly or explains the moral of a story with the clarity. But it's even more gratifying when you know one of your "life lessons" from a teachable moment sunk in as well.


Fear the Fellow said…
love this story! :) your students sound great

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