When Does Teaching Get Easy?

I would like to think I've learned and grown a lot since my first year of teaching 10 years ago. I know I've gotten better at building relationships with kids and their families. My lesson plans are more detailed, thoughtful, and attentive to differentiation. But, sometimes I wonder if teaching ever gets easy.

Some things come to me easier than they used to. But the day to do emotional load doesn't seem lighter. And at the end of the day especially, sometimes I find myself just trying to get the kids out the door without another argument (whether between students or between a student and me).

This emotional exhaustion is especially challenging when trying to teach the kids to be more mature, respectful, and empathetic problem solvers. Lately I've been dealing with one scholar who seems to be seeking out negative interactions with peers and adults. I believe he has very low self-esteem, and is acting out to confirm his own negative self concept. I have tried to interrupt this cycle in a number of ways, but I am not feeling successful. But today, at the end of a long day of repeating myself to him (and others), cajoling him (and others), and straining to regulate my own frustration, I was spent.

Now, sitting at home, I'm trying to find another way forward. I feel drained and my head aches. It's hard to feel proud of my growth in so many ways, but still feel exhausted at the end of the day.


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