
Showing posts from April, 2008

Spanish Lessons

Poem of the Day April 30

Big Brother is Watching

Poem of the Day April 29

Full House

Poem of the Day April 28

Mini-Lesson 2

What Hollywood Teacher Would I Be?

Poem of the Day(s) April 25-27

Study Suggests Math Teachers Scrap Balls and Slices

Poem of the Day April 24

Poem of the Day April 23

Poem of the Day April 22

Clueless in America

The Four Children

Poem of the Day April 21

Poem of the Day April 20

Poem of the Day April 19

Poem of the Day April 18

"Today was the best day of my life..."

Poem(s) of the Day April 17

My Letter to Myself

Poem of the Day April 16

Poem of the Day April 15

A SMART Board Breakthrough


The Little Things

Poem of the Day April 14

Five Days

National Poetry Month

Friday Funday


The X-Factor

"Kids are barometers"