More Ups and Downs

The kids were lining up to leave this afternoon when I quickly doubled back, grabbed my coat and book bag and left with them. I think today was the first time I remember in a while that I've gotten home when it's still light out. It was a nice change.

Things have been starting to find a bit more of a rhythm as my class settles into it's unit on historical fiction. At the same time my school's gearing up for the math exam. I'm hoping to avoid the stress and intensity that went with prepping for the ELA. Don't know if that's possible, but I'll try.

It wasn't an easy week, as my two main characters (it's funny, last year there were so many) Lil Miss Meltdown and Maverick have been trying every bit of my patience. Today, thanks to some extra support from one of the guidance counselors, basketball coaches and Lil Miss Meltdown's 3rd grade teacher, my class was much calmer.

I'm lucky however to have a great network of friends at my school though who give me another way to think about my problems with these students. At the same time unlike other resources at my school, I'm not made to feel like the problem behavior is entirely my fault. I must admit though, after weeks of basically hitting my head against the wall trying to figure these two out, my approach probably lost a lot of its sensibility. So I tried today with a renewed patience and focus, and was rewarded for it in the case of Lil Miss Meltdown.

As for Maverick, it really seems he just doesn't care, and he hinted at the reason when I offered to call his mom to let her know he had had a decent morning. "She doesn't care," he said. I assured him she does. I'd seen her break down in tears when she came into meet about Maverick's suspension a month or two back. But I can't imagine what's going on (or not going on) at home, to get this kid to essentially lose faith in his mom that way. If there's any way I can restore his faith in his mom and me, and perhaps reach out to a similar network of support like Lil Miss Meltdown received (it's tough, because she can still be a sympathetic character at time, while he's basically a bully), maybe I can get him back on track.


jonathan said…
Congratulations on leaving on time!

Do it more. It's a good habit.


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