When I Grow Up...

One of my favorite students (I know, I know, I shouldn't have any favorites), is a young boy I'll call Verbal, because he's incredibly bright, but sometimes impossible to understand. We were walking through the hall, just me, him and another student, and talking about what they wanted to be when they grow up. It's one of my favorite conversations when I'm getting to know a student. It can be an opening, a doorway to inspiration and a chance to show the practical value of learning and education. I got a real kick out of the possible career paths Verbal listed: baseball player, football player, astronaut...and teacher.

One of the changes I've made this year is treating these kids more, well, like kids. I made the mistake last year of assuming their backgrounds or attitudes had hardened them or robbed them of their innocence or naivete. Maybe it has in certain cases to certain degrees. But more often than not, if you treat these students like any other 8, 9 or 10 year-old, they'll respond just as you'd expect. When they do it can be surprising, funny or sometimes even inspiring.


Hugh O'Donnell said…
Treating them like "real people" with no preconceptions = respect, and everyone's on board with that.

Good thoughts, Ruben. :)
Udez said…
dude, i love this.. b/c i can see myself falling into that trap too.. I love your honesty and self reflection. Just started reading this 2 days ago and I'm glad to c u have posts going till 2010...

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